Content by tag : press
Belgium’s Council of State has ruled that French-speaking public broadcaster RTBF can continue to publish its news articles free of charge on its website, after a legal challenge by several newspa
Belgium has dropped from 23rd to 31st place in the World Press Freedom Index published annually by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
Belgium’s Princess Delphine, half-sister to King Philippe, has expressed anger at what she feels was a misrepresentation of a quote taken from an interview with Tatler magazine.
Dozens of people gathered in Brussels' Place Albertine on Thursday to defend the right to film police.
Staff at Belgium’s French-speaking regional daily L’Avenir have launched a co-operative to raise at least €1 million to earn on a seat on the management board and guarantee future editorial freedo
There are nearly one-third fewer newsagents in Brussels than there were a decade ago. The figure was released this week by the SNI small business federation.
British prime minister Theresa May’s speech to the EU summit this evening is being seen as yet another potential crunch moment.
Update: A Palestinian journalist locked up at a detention centre near Zaventem has won his appeal against being deported, after the International Federation of Journalists warned
The resignation last week of Brussels mayor Yvan Mayeur after the Samusocial scandal has drawn the attention of international media, including US newspaper The New York Times, writes Bruz