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Content by tag : petrol

Petrol prices in Belgium

The caps on petrol prices that Belgium introduced to help consumers grappling with

Service stations closing due to rising fuel prices

Service stations across Belgium are making the decision to close in order to avoid selling petrol at a loss amid sharp increases in supply prices. 

Fuel prices to hit record high

Energy prices are projected to continue to soar this week, with a further increase expected on 8 March. 

Illustration picture shows traffic jam near the Leopold II road tunnel, in Brussels. (BELGA PHOTO THIERRY ROGE)

The Brussels government has announced that it will ban diesel cars in the 19 municipalities of the Brussels region by 2030 and petrol cars by 2035.


The oldest petrol station attendant in Belgium – and reportedly Europe – has retired after 64 years at the pump.


A planned new-year increase in fuel duty in Belgium has been scrapped - saving drivers about €1 on a 60-litre refuel at the pump.


Prime minister Charles Michel met with a delegation of the gilets jaunes, or yellow vests, on Tuesday morning in his office in Brussels.


The gilets jaunes, or yellow vests, protests have crossed from Wallonia into Brussels.


More than 400 petrol stations in southern Belgium have run dry, as protestors continue to blockade fuel depots as part of the Gilets Jaunes (yellow vests) movement.
