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Content by tag : fast food


The franchise holder for the Burger King brand in France has announced its intention to take over Quick, the Belgian hamburger restaurant chain.


When it comes to fast food in Brussels, vegetarians can often feel left out.


Europe faces an unprecedented obesity crisis, which will affect nine out of 10 Belgian women by 2030, according to figures released yesterday by the World Health Organization (WHO) during a confer


McDonald's aims to create 500 new jobs in Belgium by the end of 2017, the fast food chain announced on Wednesday. Three-quarters of those jobs will go to young people under the age of 25.


A tax on high-fat snacks, sweets and sugary drinks would improve overall health and drastically lower health-care costs, according to the results of a study carried out by two Master’s students at


The City of Brussels has identified 15 potential sites for mobile food stalls, or food trucks.


Outside a supermarket on the Chaussée de Gand in Brussels


You might be inclined to walk right past: It’s a hole in the wall – three metres wide to be precise – with just a few tables, a salad bar, a fridge with drinks and a counter where you order.
