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Content by tag : environment


Following three years of record-breaking summer temperatures and an unusually warm and dry spring, Brussels is working on a drought plan for the very first time.


As if the coronavirus was not bad enough, Flanders is facing a drought this summer.


Thousands of premature deaths from air pollution could be avoided if Belgium gives proper thought to the post-coronavirus future of its towns and cities, experts have said in an open letter


Flanders has been saved from an ecological disaster on the river Scheldt. A co-ordinated effort has prevented pollution from a sugar refinery in France from flowing down the river.


Brussels' environment minister has condemned the "huge waste" of energy caused by the city's digital billboard ads - which each consume the equivalent of five households.


The Port of Ostend has announced plans to build a plant that produces green hydrogen. The goal is to have the plant be operational by 2025, the port said in a statement.


Police arrested 185 activists from the Extinction Rebellion movement for an act of "civil disobedience" on the closing weekend of the Brussels Motor Show.


A legal challenge has been launched to save a vital railway link to the Port of Brussels - which will otherwise have to be dug up by the end of this year.


Scores of old diesel vehicles belonging to Belgium's federal police force are now too polluting to drive in Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent - and have been redeployed to other parts of the country ins
