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Computer course
Dear all
I would like to know if any one can recommend computer courses in Brussels, as I would like to have 3 to 6 months or 1 year computer course in English. any idea recomendations are welcome. Plesae note that I am looking for school so I can have some certificate as well and not private tutions.
Thank you.
That's vague.
Full or part time?
What sort of qualification do you want?
What do you expect to do with it?
Good afternoon,
First of all, we would like to encourage you on pursuing this idea of taking computer courses as it will lead you to great opportunities. Secondly, the Coding Academy is located in the heart of Brussels and it offers you several computer courses such as full-stack development, front-end development or data/IA development. All of our courses lead to certifications and 94% of our students are now employed. Dont' hesitate to check our website :