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compulsary trips


Just realised the school we're moving to in September has compulsary 3 day away trips in 3rd maternelle (age 5/6), so my child will go this year. Is this common, does it say anything about the school? Am quite apprehensive, seems very young. Any perspective from experience to share on this type of thing or how they get on?

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Mascotmannekin is a useless troll, don't pay him any attention.

In my opinion, ages 5/6 is much too young for a 3 day away trip. I don't blame you for being concerned. My kids were not ready for sleepovers at that age, let alone 3 days away. I've never heard of such a thing! Every child matures at a different rate, but that strikes me as very, very young. Are parents not allowed to serve as chaperone for the trip?

Kids here are more independent at a younger age, I've seen kids as young as 7 or 8 on the tram alone. Still three days away at age five.... sounds like craziness to me!

Aug 30, 2011 11:15