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Commute from Waterloo to Uccle
If you go down the main access road (chaussee de Bruxelles) it gets very busy between about 7:30 and 9 am. One solution is to leave earlier, another is to perhaps take back roads - I wouldn't be able to tell you but worth checking. However, by very busy I mean that a normal 20 min drive between Waterloo centre and say Prince d'Orange may take twice as long; but that won't be any different to anywhere else during school/office rush hour, I should imagine.
My colleagues who do this trip (my office is at the Bois end of Louise) come in and leave very early to avoid the traffic.
If it's bad normally, it is much worse during periods of high wind when the roads through the Forest are closed.
You don't mention how you want to commute - cycling is a good option! or 16 mins by train from Waterloo to uccle calvoet then catch the 60 bus