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Change of address on car?
When we moved a couple of years ago the Commune did it. If I remember, we took the yellow/pink ownership documents and they wrote the new address in.
And that was it...I think if there is not sufficient space on the slip - if you have moved before, say - it's a bit more complicated, especially if you have an older 3/3 number plate, but for us it worked fine (and we have one old style and one new style plate)
Semi related question,
When you move house do you notify your current commune, new commune, or both?
You reregister with the new borough you have moved to; no need to inform the old borough.
You have to go to your new commune.
Lorsque vous changez d’adresse, vous disposez de quatorze jours pour présenter votre certificat d'immatriculation à l’administration communale de votre nouvelle résidence. Cette administration effectuera le changement d’adresse directement dans une des cases du certificat d'immatriculation
prévues à cet effet.