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Catholic school or Lycee francais?


My son /4yo/is accepted in Lycee francais and Institut Montjoie /catholic school/. The former's taxes are covered by my employer but the schools is located 20 min /in deadly traffic/ away from home and is only open until 16h30. The latter is right next door from home and open until 18h00 but i know nothing about it. I am affraid the choice I'm facing is: good for my kid or good for me. Anyone knows somethin about Institut Montjoie?


Is there a specific reason you chose the lycée francais, like your son will continue in French national curriculum elsewhere? Can you not take the tram to the lycee francais, no 7 then no 97 tram, better than stuck in a car in traffic?
If you see a choice as good for you or good for child, well that's only one choice for me.
I'm sure Montjoie is fine, in fact there are 2 Montjoie maternelles. The Stanley one has its fete soon, why don't you go an look?
One last thing, what would happen if your employer suddenly decided to change your contract and stopped paying the school fees for lycee francais?
Oh another thing, the term dates for lycee francais are different to Belgian schools, which can cause problems during their school holidays when there are no local stages available. If you have 2 working parents, this can be a big problem.

Jun 3, 2012 20:45