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buying painted furniture
I want to buy my teenager an adult-sized set of bedroom furniture (wardrobe, chest of drawers, book case and possibly bed).
Want painted wood furniture in a classic style like these shown here:
Is there anywhere in Brussels (or outside of Bxls) that sells this sort of thing?
Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
Some excellent furniture available 2nd hand, try:
can then just be painted if need be
Have you checked out Laura Ashley, Chse de Waterloo, I think. Pricey, but lovely!
Vastiau Godeau in Alsemberg.
Au Bon Repos, Place de la Chapelle, Brussels
Both have wide ranges that go from the ridiculously unfashionable to the screamingly repulsive, and some great stuff in between, with a range of budgets to match.
If you don't mind sanding and painting check out the trocs they have online search and you can see what is available in all the shops in Belgium, prices tend to be reasonable and renovating items as you want is pretty easy to do with a bit of patience and elbow grease.
Just did a quick search they seem to have lots