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buying kefir in Brussels?
They sell Kefir in Delhaize supermarkets:
If you can get a mother culture off the Internet or from someone you can make your own it's very simple. Glass bowl on side in wRmish room with milk or water added depending on which you can eat. Then you leave it a set a,punt of time and then make more, if you go away you store the culture in the fridge
Hi never got that here have been gift in the past in UK, but I do have a komucha in the fridge, plus I've had other bits sent via eBay UK a lot of these things are so easy to make yourself, I think with the majority it use glass bowls etc as a rule. Kefir in delhaize is pretty new but have seen it
Just retried that search type in kefir grains you get more results. Happy fermenting
Rob (woluwe) has Kefir...
Rob (woluwe) has Kefir...
@CC_R: Hi, I'm loooking for Kefir grains and Kombucha scoby to make both at home. Can't find them here in Belgium. Did you say you make kombucha at home? Can you tell me where to get an scoby (do you share?) and also Kefir grains? The websites I find on the internet are all international shipping and I'm worried the grains/scoby will spoiled. Thank you!!