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Good morning,

After 1 year in Belgium working as a manager in a large company, I feel that I suffer from burnout or at least I am close to that. I can't sleep well, I wake up in the middle of the night thinking work-related problems, I tend to vomit every morning, some days I don't have the energy to do anything even during the weekends etc
I would like to visit a doctor but I don't know how to start. Should I go first to a general practitioner? Also, I have never experienced something like that and I dont really know if it is normal to feel something like that at management level. Actually, my main fear is how my employer will react hearing that I have such an issue.



Jim, you’ve been sharing your problems here for some time.

I assume you are signed up with a Mutuel. If not, why not? You certainly should be.
Yes, you go and see a GP first. If they think you need more professional help, they can refer you to a specialist. Ask a friend or colleague to recommend a GP. As you don’t speak French or Dutch, call them to check they speak English and make an appointment. May be a bit more difficult at the moment.

May 13, 2020 00:24


I went through the same last two years and was on sick leave. I did not go to the GP but went directly to stress clinic at CHU Brugmann. They have a department that specializes on burnout issues. The only thing - I could not go though all the necessary tests as they all in French only (some questionnaires). But anyway they handled me very well and gave necessary directions and I managed to recover.
As for your employer - it can happen to anyone, and if your employer is a good one they would understand. Do not wait too long and deal with it asap.

May 13, 2020 11:47

If it is any comfort many people get a burnout, so you are not alone.

Try contacting the Community Help Service - CHS
Phone Number 02 648 40 14
Book an appointment at CHS Phone No. 02 647 67 80

Avenue des Phalènes 26 (Nachtvlinderslaan 26)
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Try to not take your work home (leave it at work) with you and when you have finished work think of something positive that you want to do and start doing it, even if it is to read a book, write a poem, start a new hobby etc. Some people have a to do wish list of all the things they want to do, so have a go and make a list of the things you want to do after work and do them. Start off with the easiest affordable things - perhaps bird watching. Watching nature can be very peaceful and relaxing. If you are a bookworm then buy an interesting book that you like and make a habit of reading a few pages each night before sleeping.

Some people buy an indoor pet cat so that they come home and switch off from the stressful world and are warmly welcome to something that greets them and gives them all their unconditional love and showers you with their affection.

May 15, 2020 23:58