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Brussels police get more budget for safety and prevention

Brussels police at North train station
11:51 16/07/2022

The Brussels government is allocating an additional €43 million for its safety and prevention policy with €35 million earmarked for the city’s police zones, reports Bruzz.

Police will use the extra money to improve security on the public transport network, support tasks related to EU summits and for investments in security equipment.

In addition, €3 million is allocated to Stib for the security of the transport network. Finally, a subsidy of €5 million is awarded to non-profit organisation Transit that provides advice and treatment for drug addicts.

Cash boost for drug users' facility

Its recently-opened harm reduction space, the ‘Gate’, will also receive part of the budget. Brussels’ first ‘users room’ provides a space for drug addicts to consume drugs safely with access to information on quitting. 

After repeated postponements, the facility in Rue de Woeringen in the city centre opened in June. Brussels is the second Belgian city after Liège to create such a space for drug users. There exists around 100 similar facilities across Europe.

Written by The Bulletin