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Brussels college launches Idea & Innovation Management degree
The Erasmus University College at Brussels (EhB) has launched the new Bachelor’s degree Idea & Innovation Management to prepare students for a career as innovation specialists. The practical-oriented degree, which starts in the next academic year, is based on four pillars: innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and people skills. This combination has been developed to help students fulfil the demands for three job profiles: screeners, innovation facilitators and bridge-builders.
Screeners are professionals who determine trends, opportunities and needs inside and outside their companies. Innovation facilitators are responsible for the development process from idea to implementation. And bridge-builders bring parties from different disciplines together to develop innovative collaborations.
EhB is the first in Flanders to provide such a study programme. “Some of the key aspects are present in some existing programmes, but not prominently enough,” programme director Katy Vancoillie told De Tijd. “Innovation managers also have to combine these aspects and work with a variety of departments in a company.”
The diploma will also make use of unusual learning techniques such as co-learning, which means that students teach each other. Vancoillie is hoping to start with about 70 students this autumn.
The study is inspired by the Dutch Bachelor’s degree in Advanced Business Creation at the Avans University College, which was launched six years ago. The graduates have mostly found jobs in the marketing sector or have become entrepreneurs.