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Bronze medalist returns home with a black eye

11:21 14/08/2016

Flemish judo star Dirk Van Tichelt was heading home on Saturday with a brand-new bronze medal, and a brand-new black eye. The medal he obtained in the line of duty, taking part in the Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. The black eye has more of a story behind it.

At first Van Tichelt said it had happened during one of his contests. Later he revealed the truth. When a young woman – met in a club – stole sparring partner Matthias Casse’s iPhone and ducked into a hotel, Casse tried to follow but was prevented by security staff. Tempers flared, voices were raised, and Van Tichelt was punched by one of the bouncers.

The incident did not phase the Belgian Olympic Committee. “There is no reason to send him home,” said delegation leader Eddy De Smedt. “It’s clear that he’s the victim. He did nothing wrong.”

Van Tichelt’s partner here at home, four months pregnant and prevented from going to Brazil out of fear of the zika virus, responded in kind, saying: “If he still has a black eye when he comes home, I’ll take care of him.”

For a judoka, it’s all in a day’s work. “As my sparring partner is someone I throw through the air all year long, I’m happy that the roles were reversed for once, and I was able to come to his aid. At the hospital, they wanted to take some X-rays, but that wasn’t necessary. We’re judokas; we’re used to getting hit.”

Photo: Eric Lalmand/Belga

Written by Alan Hope