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best GSM deals/packages
Hi I am fed up with the cost of my blackberry which they charge me a supplement for but I use it for is getting email sms and calls not surfing the net. I was told by phonehouse to use mobistar for blackberrys. I keep ending up with a massive bill and I wondered if anyone can either recommend a different way to connect this device for email smsm and calls only or recommend a way to get a better deal with a different gsm but prefer one with a keypad not a touch screen.
I mostly call here but also sms the uk now and then (rarely)
also any good sites where I compare details of the otions co I cant find any simple way to do that here
Hi! I've been using MobileVikings for over 2 years now and I'm really happy with them. It's a pre-paid subscription where you get with each top-up 2GB of internet, 1000 sms to other mobilevikings and another 1000 sms to other networks. (you also get 1hr of free calling a day to other mobile vikings).
If you decide to subscribe with them, here is my referral link