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Belgium in midst of a flu epidemic

09:33 20/02/2014

After a week of increased flu activity, Belgium fulfilled all the necessary criteria and a flu epidemic was officially declared earlier this week by the National Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP).

“Last week, 230 out of 100,000 residents visited a doctor to treat flu-like symptoms,” said Dr Viviane Van Casteren, head of the Healthcare Research Service. “That number has crossed the epidemic threshold for two consecutive weeks."

The Institute reports that the increased number of flu cases has been registered across all age groups and is affecting Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels regions with the same intensity.

“Viral analysis demonstrates an increase in positive influenza cases,” says Dr Isabelle Thomas, virologist at WIV-ISP. “Principally, the influenza A virus is detected, with the viruses A(H1N1) and A(H3N2) circulating in equal proportions.”

As during any flu season, the Institute recommends extra hand washing and sneezing into tissues (or into your arm if a tissue is not available) to limit flu transmission. Finally, if you begin feeling flu-like symptoms, stay at home and visit your doctor. The Bulletin's article "Finding Dr Right in Brussels" could be of help for Belgian newcomers.

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Written by Kelly Hendricks