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Belgians favour smoking ban in the car
Lighting up a cigarette in the car should be banned, according to 67% of Belgians who responded to a survey by the Foundation Against Cancer. "The support is there, but there is nothing happening at the political level," says Luk Joossens of the Foundation Against Cancer.
The Foundation Against Cancer surveyed 4,007 people between 15 and 75 years old. More than two-thirds of the respondents are in favour of a ban on smoking in the car, including 70% of ex-smokers and even 55% of the smokers.
"Smoking in the car is very harmful to your health," explains Joossens. "You are confined in a small space, so there is an enormous concentration of smoke. Fellow passengers are forced to inhale that smoke. It is clear from the survey that most Belgians are in favour of such a ban."
In France, a law is about to take effect which bans smoking in the car when children under 12 are present, and in Britain there are also plans to prohibit smoking in the car from 2015. There is already a similar ban in force in some American states, as well as in Australia and Canada.
In Belgium, however, there is still no talk of such a ban. The only measure addressed in the government formateur note, is a reform of the excise duty on tobacco. Other measures to affect the smoking behaviour of Belgians are not mentioned.