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Belgian institute to retrieve, utilise geothermal energy

15:17 16/04/2015

The Flemish institute for technological research (Vito) is to start deep geothermal drilling operations later this year in the Belgian-Dutch border region. Vito intends to use the geothermal energy to heat its buildings.

The institute has chosen a plot near Mol, Antwerp province, for the drilling operations which will go as far as four kilometres deep.

The researchers expect to find large volumes of water at that depth, with a temperature of at least 90°C. Vito will initially use the energy to provide its own offices and laboratories with heat, and later perhaps other businesses and homes, as well. The drilling is scheduled to start in September 2015.

Geothermal energy is already widely used to generate power in other countries around the world, such as Iceland, Chile and Turkey, where the hot water is located closer to the surface of the Earth.

Written by Robyn Boyle