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Belgian charities asking for donations of canned goods
Belgium’s food banks have issued an urgent appeal for donations, as some locations are now having to turn people away because of a shortage of provisions. At Moeders voor Moeders (MvM) in Antwerp, the organisation best known for its work with foundlings, are at this point only catering to those referred to their food bank by an official agency such as the social aid office OCMW, VTM news reports. The charity, which collects donated food from area bakers, supermarkets and producers, normally hands out some 400 food parcels a week.
“We get all sorts of people coming here, including those you might not expect,” said Monique Verdickt, chair of MvM and this year’s Antwerpenaar of the Year. “People just like me and the other volunteers.”
Aside from those picking up food parcels every week, there are 6,000 families in the city on a list, waiting for supplies to be available. “Now that it’s winter-time, fresh vegetables are less readily available,” said Jan Strijbos, a volunteer at the food bank. “So we have to give out canned goods. Luckily, we have a stock, but whether it will be enough to get through the winter is another question. If people have cans at home, they’re welcome to drop them by.”
Earlier this week, a new campaign began, organised by the Belgian Federation of Food Banks and Carrefour supermarkets. Shoppers can pay for food vouchers in Carrefour stores. Carrefour then supplies the related products – goods such as pasta, tuna and canned vegetables – directly to the food banks, without requiring customers to buy the food and deliver it themselves.