Beddru - Between myth, sea and Sicilian markets

This exhibition represents an exciting opportunity for the art collector to navigate BEDDRU’s artistic world, composed of escaped memories from his past spent in the South of Italy and the Greek heritage he grew up with.
A focus on mythology, redirected towards leading female figures who bring enigmatic messages to decipher, merges with the artist’s memories of Sicilian experiences in exotic markets he restores from his childhood. The beauty of the human body connects in its structural simplicity to the power of Nature, mother of all our sensory experiences. In this way, the sea metaphorically performs the rite of baptism, cleansing our bodies and minds through purification and regeneration.
The magic of BEDDRU’s vibrant colours makes the observer feel the warmth of the south and instantly uplifts our mood, to a level of relaxation, happiness and serenity. The use of modern materials such as plexiglass is a conscious choice of the artist to create forms of art as a reflection of his time. While the content re-emerges from the past, the form stays absolutely contemporary.
This exhibition is unique because it contains a part of the artist’s production never shown to the public before: his original drawings. BEDDRU has created a series of original drawings called “1 EYE”, which originated while he was partially blind in one eye. The series represents a challenge for the artist who explores crucial current themes such as gender identity, religion, societal pressure, disruptive beauty image, sexuality, climate change and much more. The series of drawings in all its simplicity outlines the extent to which BEDDRU is a true witness of his time.
The gallery is open to the public every Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon. If you prefer to visit us outside public opening hours, don't hesitate to book your private visit.