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Average Elictricty use


Can anyone tell me how much electrcty is avaerage. We have a house - 4 bed, living, bathrooms, cave and are only the two of us. We have eco LED lights in all the high useage areas.
Bit puzzled as the ORES guy came when we weren't home so we left the new counetr numbers for hima s directed ina window, but got a really high bill of over 700 eruo extra for the year. Something tells me he didn't come abck and they just extrapolated on their own. We're goign to call them and correctly report our numbers as confirmation, but curious.
We ahve a day and night meter and looks like both went up by 2.000 each I think.


If that's your TOTAL consumption for the year, then it's really quite low.

Oct 8, 2012 15:53