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Au Pair
A friends daughter is interested in coming to Belgium to improve her French during the summer 2012, she would like to work as an Au Pair or indeed anywhere that will give her experience as well as improving her French. Is there an Au Pair website that she must register trough, or any other tips would be appreciated.
Thank You!!
It depends on her nationality whether she can come without a visa. Au pairs get registered at the local town hall. There is no website to register through, unless she wants to offer her services that way. Which months a I might need an au pair July and August?
There are many sites to register as an au-pair. One that I can recommend is:
Au-pair and families can find each other here.
We paid our au-pair EUR 100 a week. The of course you provide room and board, insurance and language classes.
If you are an EU national going to another EU member state, then all you need to do is to register in the commune. Visa's take a long time to arrange and lot's of paper work.