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ASD specialist



Could anyone recommend a person with experience working with children with special needs? Our son (3 year old) is having difficulties with socialization and language and he is in the process of being tested for ASD. He is otherwise a normally developed beautiful young man (motor skills, etc.). We have no problems with aggression, tantrums or self-hurting. We would prefer someone who has experience in applied behavioural analysis, but if this is not the case, we are also prepared to arrange sessions of this person with a US certified behavioural analyst. Thank you very much!


this is a really complex thing, what language do you speak? CHS might have some info on who you can approach
Phone your Mutelle to see if they have any experts they will pay for, or your Paediatrician might know someone.
Not sure if Joanne Norris can help you
finally contact the BCT maybe a member can recommend someone to help they keep a list of useful contacts for people and maybe they can put you in touch with other parents with similar issues.

Mar 11, 2013 14:30

Giannella Attard OTR: English speaking Occupational Therapist and qualified coach for ASD/ADHD. contact on or 0488997371

Mar 19, 2013 17:34