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Application for Belgian passport
[a bit of a longish post]
I would like to get some advice, especially if you have been in this situation. I am going to apply for Belgian citizenship next January, based on the fact that I will have lived for over 7 years here. After getting a tip from a friend, I went to the city hall office to check whether my registry was in order and, sure enough, there were 2 gaps in 2007 and 2008. One was minor - 3 weeks - 2 of which I can probably cover by showing my 5-year card (it is registered earlier than the system shows) and another one by presentation of e-mail from a law firm who arranged this (my previous employer outsourced all the legal work), which states that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had granted my permanent stay a month before that. Basically, the city hall took their sweet time to move papers.
A bit more difficult is another bit: 4(!) months. I have no idea how that came about. What I do know is that I have been working here from October 2004 every month, paying tax and rent every month and I even traveled outside the EU during that 4 month period on business and private matter, so no chance that I could have come back to Belgium without a local paper.
My idea is to collect a letter from my [previous, as it is] employer stating that I was working full time during that period, present pay slips and show bank tranfers for apartment rent.
Do you guys know if this will be considered or will they just say that I should piss off? Any tips?
When I applied for Belgian nationality on the basis of having lived here for over 7 years I went to my commune first.
They were extremely helpful.
They detailed the various options for applying to see which applied to me and told me exactly what documentation I would need to provide. Effectively they would not let me apply until they were satisfied that I fulfilled all the requirements and had all the correct paperwork. (Like all good civil servants they were manking sure that they did not waste time processing an application that might fail.)