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Appartment as office - How interesting is it in Belgium to deduct an apartment as a business expense?


How interesting is it in Belgium to deduct an apartment as a business expense?

I am thinking more of the cost side than the deduction side, as I know that the rent is higher for businesses use because of taxes for the  landlord

I am thinking of one of these business flats. It will mainly be used as an office, but my parents might stay there in periods.


The majority of landlords systematically rejects candidates who want to use their property for any business.

The reason is that in place to be taxed on the "revenu cadastral" (estimated indexed annual rent), they are taxed on the real rents!!


NB: "The revenu cadastral" have been calulated in 1975...Of course they are indexed; but...


Nov 3, 2011 08:58