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Anyone using ?


Done with Belgacom/ Proximus! Fed up with them. Been loyal for 14+ years...

Supposed to be getting near 50 Mbps... lucky to get get as high as 9 Mbps.

Chap in work recently changed to Scarlet. 39euro for Internet + Telephone. Says its good.

Anyone out there using scarlet and can recommend before i change over ?



Before you change due to speed issues, check if Scarlet rents Belgacom's lines. In this case, you'll get the same speed.

I had Scarlet a long time ago, and they were a customer service nightmare. I'm not impressed with Belgacom either.

Jan 21, 2015 14:39

I use Scarlet, and have for 3 years. I'm actually pretty impressed with their customer service. True that they use Belgacom's lines, and the speed depends on how far you are from the network hubs or some such thing... At least it's cheaper for the same speed! Our internet cuts out on occasion, but I think it's a belgacom problem rather than a scarlet problem.

Jan 21, 2015 14:51

Last time a techic guy came to my house he said telenet were fastest do t know if it's still true.

Jan 21, 2015 15:49

I've been with telenet for 10 years and have few complaints. Speed good, connection good, customer service decent. Prices are going up though, it's getting a lot of press lately for boosting costs.

Jan 21, 2015 18:53

I am currently with Scarlet. Still got the deal from time it was offered 50MBps.
I am able to pull between 40-45mbps on good evenings, when bad between 25-30mpbs. Never had any issues with them. Quite good service, although with them no longer offereing 50mbps (30 max), I was going to recommend (old base) which had better prices, but I see now they were swallowed by scarlet also.

Jan 22, 2015 11:56


Scarlet uses the same Copper infrastructure as Belgacom. YOu will receive the same quality as Belgacom.

Better to call 0800 number of Belgacom and request a line check. Sometimes due to inproper modem or inproper cables the modem automatically switches to a repair profile (lower speed as expected). This might be fixed by a technician visit. It happened to me and the technician came to fix it.

Hope it helps.

Jan 22, 2015 16:43

typo: *lower speed than expected

Jan 22, 2015 16:44

Actually Scarlet and Proximus (AKA Belgacom) are the same company. Scarlet is a subdivision of Belgacom who recently changed there name to Proximus to change there reputation. i have been working with Belgian ISP's for a while now and i can say none are perfect but telenet has caused me the lest amount of problems.

Jan 22, 2015 22:33

Jawzofthepit is correct. You probably won't get a better bandwidth. It could simply be due to the distance of your house to proximus. ADSL signal gets weaker with distance and thus affects the bandwidth. If you have telenet in your region, go for it. Just know it's cable and not ADSL. checkout this website for advice and reviews on ISPs

Jan 24, 2015 19:04