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Annual toad migration late this year

11:46 08/03/2013

With temperatures reaching a maximum of 15 degrees this week with no frost and a soft spring rain, conditions were optimal for the annual toad migration in the night from Thursday to Friday, reports "Toads, frogs and salamanders are awakening en masse, allowing the annual toad migration to finally begin, though it will be over just as quickly it started," says Dominique Verbelen of Natuurpunt. Each spring, toads may be seen migrating in large groups and over distances of a kilometre or more to return to their pond to breed. At this time, toads are vulnerable when crossing roads. Next week, a return of cold and freezing temperatures will likely cause a halt to the migration, resulting in a second wave of toads at a later date. The current migration is already on the late side, due to a relatively cold winter. "Typically the toad migration starts off gradually from mid to late February, peaking in the first or second week of March," says Verbelen. "This year they barely got a chance to start, which is why we're seeing a massive migration since yesterday."

Written by The Bulletin editorial team