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Does anybody know where I can find a cylinder for a 50cc Honda Amigo Novia?
If yes, please email me:
Learning Spanish: Would anyone be able to give any comparison between the courses at Instituto Cervantes vs. VUB?
Drinks in Waterloo- does anyone know if The Snug has reopened already? And if no, are there any other places nearby where one could go just for a drink (not dinner)? Urgent! Thanks!
Hello, has anyone seen in their supermarket frozen squid (pouches and tentacles)? I can only find frozen squid rings and I'm loathe to buy whole fresh squid for the recipe I have.
I bank online with ING and up until this month, I used to be able to enter payment details one day, and have the payment executed the next to any Belgian bank account.
Can somebody translate this for me to French?
I am new in Belgium and I am considering buying my first car here. I am looking for some middle age, size and not-expensive car (e.g., wagon, 5000 Euro).
Please can you tell me what the deal is with signing up to SKY tv over here?
Does anyone live in 1000 Brussels and knows what the annual tax for the pleasure of living in the commune is?
I had ordered an internet connection from Base, but they didn't get the connection working at all, their helpline didn't help ("it should be working normally") and after a few months I sent them a