Search Q&A
I'm looking for a pool in the Tervuren or surrounding area where my children can have swimming classes, preferably in english but could do in french either.
Do you give tips to your hairdresser and/or cleaning lady, and if so, when, how often and how much? I'm talking about a nice neighbourhood hairdresser, not a fancy salon.
Can someone who knows please confirm if the following is correct?
Anyone know where the hair dresser Anessa from Toni&Guy Royal (close to nPort de namur)moved to?
Has anyone had their gutters cleaned recently. Any idea how much should one expect to pay for a terraced house - just front and back. Thanks for your advice.
Hi, can anyone please tell me where I can go and get prints of pictures off a CD while I wait. I live in Woluwe Saint Pierre, if that helps.
I just received my first ever package from Strawberrynet. Do you always have to pay the 10 euro or does it depend on the value of the goods?
Has anybody had experience in ordering goods over the internet from China? What would I need to look out for? How can I tell if the company is real?
Hello! Has anyone successfully renovated/cleaned, or had cleaned, the traditional 1900s ceramic floor tiles? I would be grateful for any tips. Thanks!
Have to replace the battery for a Sony Vaio. Any recommendations for brick or online shop other than the Sony website?