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Any suggestions where to hold a girl's fourth birthday party? Home is too small. Looking for something fun other than the usual kids paradise type thing. Live in Auderghem. Thanks
Can anyone advice me on whether there are trusted organisations that receive used toys and distribute them among disadvantaged children in Brussels?
For various reasons we feel compelled to change our 4 year old daughter's school. She is our oldest, perhaps our expectations are too high. We expect that she will be at a very minimum physicall
I need some pure acetone. Would anyone happen to know where to get it? Do they sell it in pharmacies here? Or should I go to Brico or equivalent?
Hi all,
I just wondered whether anybody had any recommendations for a dressmaker/women's tailor in Brussels?
many thanks in advance
Would anyone know where in Belgium i might be able to get name tags made - the usual ones with the kid's name written on them for school clothe etc.
Many thanks
I have a 75€ valued coupon for sale at 10€. If anyone wants it, do email me at swatkats_1(at) :)
Have a nice day.
In a recent move, I misplaced the power cord to my computer. It looks like this:
Hi all! Apparently here in Belgium you get money for using non-disposable diapers. Is anyone aware of this measure and where I should ask for info?
Thanks in advance
Can anyone give us some feedback on their experience of the European school-particularly the English, primary section.