I have noticed a strange patch on my chin, I'm anxious to have it looked at by a specialist (not acne related).
Can someone direct me as to who I should contact?
I am looking for a personal trainer in Brussels that also has understanding or qualification in physiotheraphy.
Question for any Mums/Mums to be out there - I am looking for an English speaking Physiotherapist to have some prenatal sessions with and who can be with me through my labour at Edith Cavell in Ucc
Long shot but do any work on Saturdays? I left a message for mine yesterday and didn't get a response.
Has anyone had laser treatment for couperose? I know there are risks, just wanted to have an idea how big those risks are. I don't want to end up with a swollen face or permanent scars.
Does anyone have experience with any Weight Watchers in Belgium? I mean obviously they are the same as anywhere, so I mean, any experience with WW? Good? Effective?