Does anyone know where I can get peanut butter in Brussels, ideally in Ixelles or Centre Ville? TIA.
I've got a ticket for a concert next week at the Botanique in Brussels but can no longer go. Concert's sold out so it's popular and I'd rather sell it on to someone else who'd like to go, at the
Why don't Belgian mobile operators have their systems auto-update time and date on mobile phones? Nearly every other country in the world has it, even the poorest.
I recently purchased a dress via ebay in the US.
I'm looking for an independent car valuation guide. Is there an equivalent to the glass's guide here ? Thanks
Does anyone know of a personal organizing service or assistant who can help me with life in Belgium? I am frequently overwhelmed.
Do TV set bought in the UK work in Belgium ? Is there a problem with the pal or secam system ?
Note that the tuner will not be used. The TV would be used for Belgacom TV and/or freesat
Hi. I have a gash on my head that I think needs stitches. How does this work here - can I just take myself to the nearest hospital as I would in the UK?
hello everyone,
I have just started working freelance. What are the cost-related pros and cons (incl. tax)of registering as independent vs a company?